Wednesday, April 27, 2005


A couple of minutes ago, I was utterly confused. Confused about what to get Ed for our 2nd year anniversary. I mean, what gift would rightly represent the way I feel toward him? And so, it got me thinking. Thinking about all the things we've been through in the 3 years we've known each other...

I remember the first time I met him. Vaguely, but clear enough to recall that I wasn't immediately attracted to him! *smile* He was the shy kind. Not really, but atleast around me he was. We rarely spoke, and when we did, it was always because of some superficial matter or another.

And then I remember the day I found out he had a soft spot for me. His words just put my mind and heart in turmoil. I had recently gotten together with another guy at that time, and so, I felt it was totally inappropriate! And yet, I was flattered. *sigh*

Chocolates were given, chocolates were received.
There were tears and there was laughter.
We took car rides, and we took long walks.
Secrets were shared and stories were told.

And then I came to Australia. Ed called everynight, and I reluctantly and somewhat happily, received his calls. We talked. And laughed. And cried.

I realised I had fallen for him when he went on holiday with his brother and the signal at the area was really bad. Although I knew he wouldn't be able to see the messages til very long after, I continually sent him smses just to quench my own longing . I knew there and then, that I needed him. It was just so wrong not to have him around. So empty.

And so, he asked. And I accepted. *sigh*

It's been 2 years since that fated night. Somehow, it feels longer than that. We've been through so much since then. The fights, the arguments, the tears. We've always managed to talk things through. The jokes, the laughter and the totally crack-you-up moments. We've always had our fair share of fun. The weird situations, the embarassing moments and the awkward silence. We've been through it all.

I am truly blessed. I am sure that it would be virtually impossible to find anyone as sweet, endearing, patient, loving and 'so hai' as him. He always wants what's best for me, and it obvious. He makes it known in his actions, his speech and his whole demeanour! Not to sound mushy or anything like that, but he's just so unbelievable, more than words can say!

So what can I get a guy like him? Nothing I guess. If I can't even put it down in words, how can I sum it up in a gift? That would just trivialise our whole relationship. Afterall, what's a gift in a whole series and lifetime of gifts? All I know is that no matter what the gift is, it'll never measure up to his gift of love.


So Yang, you've said this before, and I'm saying it back, "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be..." (Robert Browning).


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